Prison Ministry

Jesus said when we give to "the least of these" we also do it to Him. When “I was in prison and you came to Me" (Matthew 25:40, 36).  Even if visiting your local prison is not possible, you can still "visit Jesus" there in spirit by ministering to the needs of inmates. Here at Remnant Publications, we receive a bounty of requests from prisoners. They desperately crave and truly appreciate Bibles and other spiritual materials.

Darrell, a prisoner in Ohio who is "baptized and saved by the sacrifice of Christ," shared this touching request: "In one of your publications, ‘Desire of Ages,’ I saw a Bible with comments and references to Ellen White and her books. I have truly been consumed with her writings. I am in need of a Bible and would like to know if there's any way I could receive one with her comments?

“My monthly pay is $6.00, and if I can receive even one with misprints or a flaw I would gladly be able to pay in installments of $4.00 until it is paid off. … Could you direct me to where I could possibly get someone who could help me? … Thank you! Thank you!"

Darrell is willing to sacrifice deeply, two-thirds of his monthly income, in order to achieve growth for God’s kingdom. Will you fill Darrell’s heart with joy and other people like him?

As you contemplate your year-end giving, please consider these downtrodden individuals. God loves them as much as He loves us—sinners who are on the “outside.” Share God’s love with them. The cost of a Bible is $40. How many can you help to fund?

Help us minister to the spiritual needs of those who are incarcerated. Every week we receive requests from these destitute people for Bibles and other Spirit-filled materials. Through your generous love offering, we can partner in attending to their desire to walk with God.