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In this gripping and thought-provoking book, the challenges facing modern Adventism come to life as new ideas, discoveries, and questions about Ellen White stir up uncertainty. As society hurtles into an era of radical change, are the certainties of the past still relevant?

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6 x 9
Price: $11.99
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by Lewis Walton

Israel stood on the brink of the Promised Land. Victory was in sight.

Yet, at that crucial moment, voices like Korah, Dathan, and Abiram rose in dissent, claiming that the entire Exodus had been a mistake. Could such a crisis strike Adventism today?

In this gripping and thought-provoking book, the challenges facing modern Adventism come to life as new ideas, discoveries, and questions about Ellen White stir up uncertainty. As society hurtles into an era of radical change, are the certainties of the past still relevant?

“Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come.” Once, these words echoed with urgency. But in today’s world, do we still believe we have a unique message for the world?

With candid reflections like “I couldn’t miss the knowing leers of passers-by, who saw us as an odd blend of Christianity and Hebraic legalism,” this book dives deep into the tensions between tradition and modernity. What happens to our faith in a world that seems to outgrow yesterday’s certainties? Is the Advent message still relevant, or are we standing at our own crossroads of belief?

Find out how a faith community responds when the very foundations of their identity are called into question.


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