by E. G. White
When we seek to build a relationship with God, He promises in James 4 to draw near to us. The only way to find peace that pierces through all the chaos of this world is to embrace a meaningful relationship with Him.
This precious treasure by E. G. White has given joy to every nation on earth. She highlights God’s message in vibrant color as it leads you to the cross of Christ—and beyond, to His throne room in heaven. You will find peace and joy that endures throughout eternity as you build a relationship with God.
God’s message will inspire you to the empowering grace that overcomes every obstacle in your walk of faith. Don’t hesitate—share this message now to help others build a relationship with God.
ISBN: 978-1-629130-86-6
Pages: 64, paperback
Dimensions: 5.5 x 7.5 inches