Tobacco use has become an international health issue. Knowing the vital tobacco facts is the first step in beating this cancerous habit.
You Can Be Tobacco Free answers the right questions. Why is smoking bad for you? What does the Bible say about addiction? How do I make a plan to stop smoking for good?
“The addiction starts with the third cigarette smoked.” So don’t wait, share this resource with anyone who needs to know the vital tobacco facts.
Have you gotten the victory over tobacco? Share your story here!
"In 1964, The Surgeon General’s Report On The Health Consequences Of Smoking determined that cigarette smoking contributed to the death of over 300,000 Americans each year! By 1979, this death rate was estimated at 360,000! By 1990, this statistic had climbed to 390,000! In 1992 the death rate, contributed to tobacco use, was estimated to have reached 434,000 and in 1998 the death toll had escalated to 468,000 in America alone! In spite of the fact that the death rate continues to climb, it is estimated that each day 2,000 females light up their first cigarette! Parents, be alert! 3,000 teenagers start smoking every day! The addiction starts with the third cigarette smoked." [Page 8]
"Every time a thought, or an action, is performed, a minute enlargement, called a bouton, begins to form at the end of the sending fiber of the brain cell... The very first time you yielded to the temptation to use tobacco, a small bouton begin to form. It became larger, and began to multiply, every time you smoked, dipped, or chewed, since that time. Now, you don’t even have to think to react. Just the sight, or smell of tobacco, will cause the brain to react as it has been programmed. The bouton will fire automatically, unless you make a definite decision not to smoke, or use smokeless tobacco." [Page 30]
"We don’t even have to ask, “If it is Your will,” when we pray for victory over tobacco or any other bad habit. We can know assuredly it is His will to deliver us from sin. He longs to take us in His arms, bathe our wounds, and cleanse our hearts from the very desire and inclination to sin. Let us share this Good News!" [Page 47]