The Gospel of Sex

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Sex. It’s as dangerous in the wrong context as it is good in the right context. Every day, young people are assaulted with sexual imagery and music that pressures them to make unbiblical choices about what they do with their bodies. Young adults are being led into sinful sex at an alarming rate, with disastrous results. Pre-marital sexual activity is one of the most persuasive and difficult temptations to overcome for young men and women, yet it is also one of the most destructive for those seeking success for their goals in life and, most importantly, seeking to be in the kingdom of heaven.
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by Dustin Hall

Sex. It’s as dangerous in the wrong context as it is good in the right context. Every day, young people are assaulted with sexual imagery and music that pressures them to make unbiblical choices about what they do with their bodies. Young adults are being led into sinful sex at an alarming rate, with disastrous results. Pre-marital sexual activity is one of the most persuasive and difficult temptations to overcome for young men and women, yet it is also one of the most destructive for those seeking success for their goals in life and, most importantly, seeking to be in the kingdom of heaven.

Thus it is vital to arm yourself and your family and friends with the tools to fight the battles of sexualized pop culture and peer pressure successfully. And now you can do just that with this brief but powerful resource that speaks to young people in a frank and honest manner, while presenting important, life-changing information in a language and style with which they can truly identify.

You and with whomever you share The Gospel of Sex will receive the medical, statistical, and biblical facts about sex outside marriage—inspiring and encouraging young people of all ages to accept God’s plan of sexual purity in their lives—enabling them to become powerful lights sharing the gospel through the Word and holy living.

ISBN: 978-1-933291-03-6
Pages: 96, paperback
Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Good News about Goals
Chapter 2: The Good News on Being the Light
Chapter 3: The Good News about Love
Chapter 4: The Good News about STDs
Chapter 5: The Good News about Sexual Bonding
Chapter 6: The Good News about the Lies
Chapter 7: The Good News about Starting Over
Chapter 8: The Good News about Sex and Marriage
Chapter 9: Straight Talk
Chapter 10: Straight Talk to Parents



I am a certified sex educator, sexual education curriculum creator, teen mental health counselor with over 20 years of experience, author, freelance writer—and the proud owner of not one, but two teens of my very own! I read books on this topic all the time, but I have never read a Christian book on this topic like this!

This book is one of the clearest, most balanced, and practical books on the subject of dating, sex, and relationships.

Author Dustin Hall does an amazing job at finding just the right balance between applying, first, common sense and logic to this, often very difficult topic of sex, dating, and relationships. He then follows up with a well-reasoned plea that is solidly Biblical, but not guilt-inducing. He couches his core message of abstinence in two core ideas:

1. A teen’s abstinence should be based on a simple, but profound response of obedience, which comes from thankfulness and gratefulness of God’s gift of salvation towards them

2.  A teen’s abstinence should be based on the logical premise that sex before or after marriage (with anyone other than their spouse) is simply not in their own best interest (nor in others’ best interest) and only serves to complicate their lives and the lives of others in compounded and unimaginable ways. To put it in terms that a teenager can understand: “if you choose to have sex now, you won’t be able to live your best life now!”

Hall does a masterful job of writing with the successful and effective recipe of a mixture of: Bible verses, relevant Ellen G. White quotes, actual teen vignettes/narratives. He also has a unique and wonderful way of weaving everything together in a lively and quick-paced writing style. What I appreciate most about his writing style is that not only does he describe and explain very difficult topics, such as the emotional consequences of premarital sex, and the brain chemistry changes involved in sexual activity, and associated clinical research; but then takes the next [needed and crucial] step and effectively “connects the dots” so to speak for the reader and applies what he’s writing about to how it will affect (either positively or negatively) the reader.

Lastly, the chapters are clean, direct, and short and Hall doesn’t shy away from describing and discussing both sexually transmitted diseases—along with statistics (something I rarely see in a Christian book of this topic) and talking directly to the parents of teens!

Overall this is an amazing, well-researched, and well-written book! As both a trained and certified sex educator and mental health counselor, I will be requiring this book to be read by all my teen clients—and their parents!

I highly recommend this book and I look forward to reading all of Dustin Hall’s other books!

Omar Miranda, M.Ed.