by Norman McNulty
What will happen at the end of the world, the judgment hour? Norman McNulty draws parallels between Bible prophecy, the book of Daniel, and the end times.
The book of Daniel is at the heart of studies on Bible prophecy for God's people. The name Daniel itself means God is my judge. Those who recognize the end of times are naturally drawn to study the book of Daniel and the judgment hour.
While digging deeper into the prophecies of Daniel, Norman McNulty teaches the practicality of Christian living in this apocalyptic book. Each chapter brings out the practical message of Daniel for God's people, in addition to digging deeper into the apocalyptic passages.
Norman McNulty, MD, is a board-certified neurologist practicing in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee. He enjoys studying and speaking about prophecy in his free time, you can listen to many of his presentations at
ISBN: 978-1-629132-06-8
Pages: 288, paperback
Dimensions: 6 X 9 inches